History: Romanesque and Gothic


Information Version
2017-05-13 11:15 SCantor
Berlinghieri video was in Turkish, replaced with English version
2017-05-13 10:52 SCantor Fixed text for video on Chatres (now combined into single on Khan Academy) and corrected link. 21
2017-02-19 16:42 lorena.bradford@faculty.umuc.edu 20
2017-02-19 16:37 lorena.bradford@faculty.umuc.edu 19
2017-02-19 16:10 lorena.bradford@faculty.umuc.edu 18
2017-02-19 15:47 lorena.bradford@faculty.umuc.edu 17
2017-02-19 14:52 lorena.bradford@faculty.umuc.edu 16
2017-02-19 14:45 lorena.bradford@faculty.umuc.edu 15
2017-02-19 14:32 lorena.bradford@faculty.umuc.edu 14
2017-02-19 14:16 lorena.bradford@faculty.umuc.edu 13
2017-02-19 14:08 lorena.bradford@faculty.umuc.edu 12
2017-02-19 13:54 lorena.bradford@faculty.umuc.edu 11
2017-02-19 13:47 lorena.bradford@faculty.umuc.edu 10
2016-08-20 19:14 SCantor Fixed broken links and edited formatting 9
2016-08-20 18:50 SCantor Changed one of the Bayeux Tapestry links to Khan Academy (both were for official site) 8
2016-08-20 18:46 SCantor 7
2016-08-20 17:07 SCantor Fixed formatting so sections are more clearly divided 6
2016-03-02 08:47 Josh Yavelberg Fixed links 5
2015-09-30 08:54 Josh Yavelberg Fixed typos 4
2015-03-14 18:17 Josh Yavelberg Fixed embedded videos and broken images. 3
2015-03-14 18:08 Josh Yavelberg Creation 2
2015-03-14 18:07 Josh Yavelberg 1
Show php error messages
ERROR (E_USER_WARNING): The requested theme's CSS file could not be read. Falling back to default theme.
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