
History: HomePage

Preview of version: 6 (current)


This is the Open Educational Resource collaboration site for ArtHistorySurvey.com. This wiki is available for users to develop, discuss, update, and assess learning modules for a variety of art history courses. The goal is to have comprehensive and updated academic resource for instructors looking to supplement or even remove the common textbook for their course.

Please feel free to look through the blog and forums for editing and review requests. The modules themselves are listed in general categories and sub-categories under the "Categories" area of the wiki menu. If you have any questions or have difficulty with access, editing, or commenting, please contact the administrator.

Even if you have an account at ArtHistorySurvey.com, you must register for another account on this area. This wiki is currently not using the same content engine as the main site, and as such requires different authentication for it's wiki-based system. Registration requires authentication via email to proceed as every effort is being made to reduce the possibilities of SPAM.


Information Version
2019-01-20 13:02 System Administrator 6
2019-01-20 13:01 System Administrator 5
2017-04-24 13:29 GBerryhill 4
2015-03-14 16:50 Josh Yavelberg 3
2015-03-14 13:38 System Administrator 2
2015-03-04 16:14 System Administrator Tiki initialization 1
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